Social Enterprise
Pamoja Trust is a non-profit organization founded in 1999. PT is dedicated to promoting access to land, shelter and basic services for the vulnerable. The organization takes principled and pragmatic approaches to protection and promotion of the right to the city through advocacy and precedence dotting models for problem solving. PT provides social, technical and legal expertise at local community, national and international levels to ensure that urban growth and urbanism adhere to social justice principles and that national and international human rights standards are implemented in favor of the most vulnerable citizens. Currently we are running the following programs.
Social Enterprise
Action Research
Federation and Movement Building
Civic Engagement and Advocacy
Partnerships & Sustainability
Pamoja Trust's ultimate goal is to contribute to security of tenure and dignified citizenship for the Urban Poor
Our OpportunitiesStrengthen the capacity of Social Movements to create and consolidate inclusive and democratic structures of governance;
Consolidate Pamoja Trust’s strategic partnerships to effectively and directly advocate for security of tenure and deliver adequate housing to its targeted areas;
Network with other actors in re-shaping the public discourse and influencing policy formulation and implementation on land, housing, basic services, and livelihoods in favor of the urban poor;
Enhance the right institutional capacity of Pamoja Trust to ensure effective and efficient management and governance.
RLOs Work --- Pamoja Trust identified the need for a structured process of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Refugee Led Organizations to achieve their purpose and provide quality services by strengthening their organizational and technical capacities. This was done through a series of capacity strengthening sessions that engaged 28 RLOS and 121 participants and focused on Leadership and structure, finance and administrative systems, Effective Participation, communication and visibility, Collaboration and networking, Safeguarding and Sustainability, Proposal writing and development of business plans as well as Dispute Resolution. Pamoja trust is glad to have walked with the Refugee Led Organizations through the journey that saw some of them access funding opportunities, engage stakeholders including the county governments and also train other budding RLOs, the case of OAK solution that was called upon by Pamoja trust to train new 13 RLOS from Nairobi and its metropolitans. The engagements have been positively progressing as individual RLOs reach to Pamoja trust for customized support especially in drafting proposals for calls, developing institutional policies and even engaging with various county government service provision sectors like the scenario of Ubuntu RLO that has since contacted Pamoja trust in efforts to leveraging Pamoja trusts county networks to gunner support of local vocational training colleges in certifying refugee youths that have been trained by the RLO
Pamoja Trust
I am grateful to Pamoja trust for the great capacity enhancement they have done to our Obunga resident association since 2005. With the numerous engagements with Pamoja trust coupled with the training we have undertaken so far; I am confidently saying that I know my role and rights in this nation and specifically in the great county of Kisumu. Pamoja trust has enabled us identify, map and document community issues into what we call Obunga strategic plan that has enabled us realize the very many challenges we face yet that can be addressed through evidence-based advocacy strategies and tools. Through the community developed strategic plan for Obunga, we have been able to engage county government agencies and departments for purposes of having our plights as the People of Obunga included in government policies and plans with a deliberate target of the five-year county integrated development plan. I am gladly and confidently saying that my concerns as a resident of this county have been featured in county government plans therefore am a happy man knowing that my social and economic rights will be bestowed to me
Obunga, Kisumu
In the advent of devolution, the constitutions says clearly that the people have the right to churn their development agenda and set priorities autonomously without having projects imposed onto the people. Pamoja trust have for long taught us how we can express our dissatisfaction through active citizenry. During budget processes, we are able to attend public participation forums and propose the projects we deem critical and urgent for inclusion in the budget. For instance we have been able to do petitions and memorandums to the county assembly of Kisumu expressing our discontentment on project implementation and the lack of value for money on projects termed ‘Nyalenda B projects’. We have seen the county government responding promptly to meet our demands, as is the case with Oboch market for Nyalenda B which was not done to our satisfaction. Pamoja trust has opened our eyes and pulled us out of the slumber we were in.
Nyalenda B, Kisumu
Since the Rebuild program, we have networked with host communities to an extent of having Joint activities with them. As a refugee, due to my documentation challenges, I have been unable to access cheap credit from financial institutions like banks and micro finances. The economic hardship has worsened our stay in Kenya where we thought life could be more bearable compared to our home countries. But since Pamoja trust through the Rebuild program begun, we have been able to initiate community savings and loaning for both refugee and host communities which has now allowed as refugees access affordable loans to run and expand our small businesses. The village savings and loaning is now giving us hopes that we can actually find home far away from home thanks to Pamoja trust.
Kasarani refugee and host network member, Nairobi
The Rebuild program has given me the voice and audacity to freely express myself and air out refugee issues and miseries we go through in our stay here in Kenya thanks to the refugee and host network we formed here in Githurai. The network has enabled me engage the local area chief and address the persistent insecurity concerns faced by the refugee people. The locals have joined us in these efforts since they now understand that we also have our rights as refugees and that we are equally as human as them. Pamoja trust has exposed us to platforms that now listens to our concerns. At the village level, the host communities now respect us and dignifies us. We are grateful!!
Githurai refugee and host network
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