
Build Social Movements

Strengthen the capacity of Social Movements


Consolidate Strategic Partnerships

to advocate for security of tenure and deliver adequate housing


Network with actors

in re-shaping the public discourse and influencing policy formulation

Welcome to Pamoja Trust

An equitable and democratic society where vulnerable citizens have adequate space

Pamoja Trust is a non-profit organization founded in 1999. PT is dedicated to promoting access to land, shelter and basic services for the Urban Poor. The organization takes principled and pragmatic approaches to protection and promotion of the right to the city through advocacy and precedence dotting models for problem solving. PT provides social, technical and legal expertise at local community, national and international levels to ensure that urban growth and urbanism adhere to social justice principles and that national and international human rights standards are implemented in favor of the most vulnerable citizens.

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Be on the know

We care about vulnerable citizens.
We advocate for dignified citizenship for the urban vulnerable communities.

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Always hiring. Are you?

  • Passionate.

  • Self Driven.

  • Ambitious.

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Look for a course you are passionate about.

  • Social Enterprise.

  • Action Research.

  • Civic Engagement and Advocacy.

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